Wednesday, December 3, 2008

God's Pity, Chapter 1

He died. How dare he? He left me all alone. Well, screw this. I walk to the docks. My bare feet enjoy the wood under them. I reach the edge. I dive. I keep swimming down and open my eyes. I see the support beam, and swim towards it. I reach it, and I grab onto it; it is slimy, but it will hold me. I pull the rope out of the pocket I put in my skirt, I never did understand why skirts never came with pockets…everyone needs to hold stuff sometimes. I lashed myself to the beam and laughed. Soon it was all gone.
A dark figure swam down to me. His face was skeletal, but the rest of him resembled a human. “Do you wish to know he asked, and to teach others?” It was odd watching him talk, like a movie that had fallen behind it’s audio file. His face moved but only half a minute later did the words reach me.
“Sure, why not. I don’t have anything better to do down here.”
He touched the ropes around my wrists, ankles, belly, neck…well, everywhere I tied myself to the pole, and as he did, they dissipated. I swam up with him. As I rose to the surface his face changed, slowly morphing into a person. His brown-hair remained dry. His eyes were green and wide-open. His cheek-bones were high on his face and deeply indented. His nose was very very round. His lips were thin and he was very tall. I reached the surface of the water and his face was fully transformed…it had seemed oddly familiar, but I couldn’t recall how I knew him.
“Do I know you?” I asked him awkwardly.
“Probably,” he said briefly.
“Where from?”
“Nein, this isn’t my job to figure that out. You can do that on your own.”
Normally I would have called him mean, but I didn’t much care, “So now what do we do, do I reave people’s souls or something?”
“No, that isn’t what we do. We get to judge people…for God and stuff.”
“Why can’t he do that himself…or sorry, Himself. Also, are we really so reliable?”
“Well, you can’t. You have to wait a hundred years first, then most people you know are going to be dead, and you will probably have lost most of your biases. Over time, you just stop caring. Also, do you really except some big ol’ creator cares to watch over us…the pile of ‘maybe’s. He has to survey that the good get good treatment, and survey that the bad get bad treatment, each according to their crimes. Honestly, do you have any idea how many generations of folks he has to watch over up there. It is very difficult to deal with things that are immortal, like souls and stuff.”
“So what do I do for the next hundred years? Wait?”
“This is the best part, you get to do anything you want. You can reveal yourself to the living at will, but remember, you are dead, and they do know that…consider their reactions. Or you can observe them, or just take part in whatever part of life you wish.”
“Alright, so is there anything you should tell me…like how to reveal myself to someone.”
“Just touch their shoulder, and stick your tongue out at them. That’s all, you don’t really need to know how to use your other powers right now.” With that he simply faded.

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