Monday, June 30, 2008

a strange dream

The following is a strange dream in which my spanish teacher was teaching me metaphysical ninja-ness. These are two of the Epic theories he told to me.

"The trick to it all is this. You can see all truths at once (now don’t get silly on me, you cannot go rewriting any matrix or bullcrap like that, you are confined to human capabilities) . A wise man once said that reality was a three edged sword, your side, their side, and the truth.” he paused heavily for a moment. He had been teaching me for quite some time. These are the lessons my dreams have revealed to me. “well if you can multitask well, than this may be easier than some lessons. Here, as you see both realities, they both become your own, even theirs. If theirs is yours, as they both combine to become the real truth, as all sides of truth must do, than it seems as though you were in two places at once. In reality you were, but only because your mind made it so. This enables much. No one has ever come back and survived, mentally, from attempting to do three actions, each in a different reality, so please do not try. As you do this, if you are doing kindly and properly, in the eyes of reality, than you may see time slow down, it realizes that you haven’t finished making decisions, so with neither truth invented yet, reality has difficulty to invent one originally, reality just happens to be really good at collages, it isn’t so good at painting. So it may slow things down to give you some time to finish your thought. If reality finds what you are doing wrong, by its standards (which have little to do with conventional morality), reality might manage to invent something entirely randomly, but it isn’t likely."

After a brief moment of consideration on my part, and a good deal of practice I fully understood and he continued with the lesson.

“Good,” my master told me, “now you know that two people cannot do this at the same time, so this way the newest one always wins. I was the person in the forest fire as well. You did it properly since I was only about to get hit by the car instead. Next you are to attempt to warp time like I mentioned earlier. Nothing drastic here. Just split basically, then you can do some too quick footwork to make it look like you are hovering…also, gravity doesn’t change speed…just you. So it will seem like you are much more powerful. Be careful. Take this spear…after floating, you are going to throw it as far as you can.” I muddled my mind so that time might slow and thought how I might fly…I pulled out a rope after a few moments and did some basic third law stuff. I rocketed off into the sky, with my increased power thing when I kicked off the ground I went soaring, same with pushing off from the rope I sort of hovered. close enough anyway. I would pick up the skill later. I picked up the spear and through as hard as I could towards the woods. I returned…

Here starts another lesson.

“this is not something I can tell you with logic. You just have to learn it, believe it, and accept it.” with that said, he warped us to a river’s edge. He pulled out a basin and filled it with water as it ran. “I will show you that which is water and does not want to be.” he cupped his hands together and lowered them beneath the water’s surface. Once they were full he pulled his hands out and as he pulled it out, the water in his hands began to darken. It began to look like tar. Then as it darkened still more he pulled away his first hand, holding it now only in his right. He pulled his fingers apart, as if holding a sphere, and the murk didn’t fall. then it began to suddenly squirm. He clasped his left hand over top of it, as if a bird in captivity. It shook violently this thing in his hands. He forced it down into the basin of water and it stilled. He pulled his hands away and suddenly I was reminded of the movie Spirited Away. I was reminded of No-Face. It began to shrink, and as soon as it had room enough to, it swam about the water, shrinking all the while, screaming painfully and a picture of torture filled my mind. Not of my own but of this creature, which was sad. But soon it melted away back into the water once again, all gone.

“they will work for you, you know. They will do anything to not be returned to the water.” he dumped the basin into the river. “but you know they must again at some point, otherwise they will become violent. Although they hate it, they cannot live without water. They become violent with every passing second more. As you saw I held it only for a minute. Then again, I hadn’t made a verbal contract with it. They will last up to a day without getting to powerfully violent under contract. Otherwise they are dangerous."

and this sadly is the end to this dream sequency stuff. i found it amusing and spiffy. hope you liked it. *vanishes*


Anonymous said...

I'm very impressed that you've managed to hold onto so much detail from your dream. That's awesome. Keep it up yo.

Lily Emmanuella said...

That is amazing. I would like to remember my dreams with such detail and clarity. I really enjoyed this dream. It reminds me very much of the science and philosophy of quantum physics or theoretical physics (string theory, superstring theory, supersymmetry, parallel dimensions, etc.). I thought it was interesting how reality was good at making collages but maybe not so great at painting. As you described the master interacting with the being from the water, I could clearly picture it in my mind. Also, I have seen Spirited Away (a number of times) so I could definitely attribute that comparison to the image in my mind. I really like the idea of the creature from the water. I really enjoyed the whole dream (informalities, formalities, ambiguities, etc.).